åncient scent
åncient scent
åncient scent
åncient scent
åncient scent
åncient scent

åncient scent

Regular price £35.00

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Come and get stoned with us

An exclusive ancient scent of heather, honey and gorse.

Ånd fragrance have chiselled out this limited edition perfume in collaboration with Stone Club to wear when wandering wind swept hillsides and rolling fields. Åncient Scent has a blend of Heather, honey and gorse notes and splashes of geranium essential oil, spike lavender and green hay absolute to compliment your stomp to the stones.

In celebration of the summer solstice we are delighted to have teamed up with Stone Club to encourage you out and into the wilderness. With only 100 bottles of Åncient scent available be sure to grab a bottle today.

Get stoned on us

All ådventurer members will also receive a complimentary Stone Club membership with exclusive access to events and goodies.

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